EARTH – Elemental Interactions

“Off-Leash Art” a Film by Tomas McCabe Osha Neumann & Jason DeAntonis

Shawn, Josie, Kelly and Kevin. Kevin is gifting Kelly a new and improved compost bin from Europe. It allows the air to flow more freely.

“Earth” was a huge hit last week. Larry Harvery opened the evening by telling us how earth helped manifest some of the earliest art at Burning Man.

Andrew Johnstone told us about Burning Man Earth, where the development of the project is going and how participants at Burning Man are going to provide data to populate the project using a “wiki” approach. “A wiki is a page or collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content…”

And then Kevin Drew and Shawn Rosenmoss from the San Francisco Department of the Environment told us about the state of recycling, what we could do to make a difference and where “waste” is going in the future. There were lots of questions from the audience and I know I learned a lot and am recommitting to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Then Osha Neumann spoke regarding the impact that being an attorney for the homeless and an artist using Albany landfill materials has made on his life. Then we saw the fabulous short film above from Osha, our very own interim managing director, Tomas McCabe and Jason DeAntonius.

It was an inspiring evening and we hope you will be able to join us next time.

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