Tomas McCabe, Executive Director of the Black Rock Arts Foundation
(BRAF), Crimson Rose, Vice President of BRAF & Burning Man
founding Director, and artists who have worked with BRAF to
install their artwork in San Francisco and other cities, Michael
Christian; Karen Cusolito; and Peter Hudson spoke on
“Temporary Art: Inspiring Community and Civic
Participation” at the
City of Palo Alto Public Arts Commission
Tomas and Crimson gave an overview of how BRAF works with
different cities to create temporary public art that engages the
community and the artists talked about their work and their
projects with BRAF.
The Art Commission also gave an overview for artists interested
in submitting project proposals to the City of Palo Alto under
their new Temporary Art Project Guidelines.
Thanks to the Palo Alto Arts Commission for inviting us, we had
a great time!