Freddy Hahne, President, BRAF Board of Directors, “Grant

Dear BRAF Volunteers,
What a wonderful mixer we had last week! It was a real success. To those of you new to volunteering for BRAF, and are now new to this announcement list, welcome! To those of you currently volunteering with BRAF who were able to attend the mixer, I cannot thank you enough for joining us. There is no better person for a new volunteer to connect with than a committed and active volunteer. Your continued support is the key to our success. Thank You! I hope you feel the love coming through this email.
For those of you couldn’t make it, we had about 50 attendees. We presented quick overviews of nine different areas of volunteer needs:
Civic Arts
Grants to Artists
Grant Seeking
BRAF Events
Scrap Eden
Web Development
The BRAF Blog and social networking
Children’s ProgrammingIt is not too late to express interest in any area. In fact, it is perfect timing. Just email volunteers (volunteers and we will be in touch.
Thanks everyone for a fun and engaging evening.
Harley K. Dubois
Vice President
Grants to
Artists Chair
Black Rock Arts Foundation