The countdown is on…

You are invited to join us in celebration of the Black Rock Arts
Foundation’s latest
Civic Arts Program
project, the installation of the Raygun Gothic Rocketship at Pier
14 in San Francisco, California. Come hear more about this
ambitious undertaking from the crew that made it happen. Enjoy
entertainment, dj’s, light refreshments and surprises from
the Rocketship crew! The Rocketship will remain on view, free to
the public, until October 7, 2011!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pier 14, where Mission meets the Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA (map)
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Help BRAF bring amazing art like the Raygun Gothic Rocketship into everyday life!
The local community, BRAF supporters and Burning Man art enthusiasts alike have rallied support for this project, but we have yet to reach our fundraising goal. Help us sustain our Civic Arts Projects in the year to come!
Donate now and receive limited edition gifts from the Rocketship crew, including papercraft, wooden, resin or aluminum Rocketship models, posters, stickers, even a tour of the Rocketship crew’s studio!
We THANK YOU for your support of our community!