photo: affinity
photo: affinity

photos: Rob Schober of Dan Frazier SchoberRob (SchoberRob
photos: Rob Schober of Dan Frazier
SchoberRob (SchoberRob
We stopped by the opening of the MEDIATE Art Group’s highly anticipated Illuminated Forest last week at The Lab in San Francisco. We met a few photographers while we were there and they were each kind enough to send us a few photos. I really enjoyed seeing each of them express a different point of view about the installations. Especially since many of th installations were activated by the viewer making sounds.
Visit Illuminated Forest!
Gallery hours, July 9 – August 13, 2010, Wednesday
– Saturday, 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
The Lab, 2948 16th Street
San Francisco, CA
Illuminated Forest is part of
fourth season,
entitled GREEN SOUND, that began June 6
and runs to August 13.