Tomas McCabe, our Executive Director, accepting the Certificate of
Honor from the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San

The Black Rock Arts Foundation was the organization behind bringing this great project to our spaces. They have been pioneering a very exciting new model for public art in which they partner with neighborhoods and communities and city governments to temporarily place city art projects. This has facilitated collaboration. Since the first installation that they assisted with several years ago, we have now had several major installations in various major public spaces throughout the city, which have been extremely well received from every neighborhood that they have been in.
From my perspective and I think many of my colleagues share this perspective, we need to do everything we can to help our city really grow the artistic community and our city’s artistic economy. We need to promote best core values of activity, community, and activism. I want to thank those of you with the Foundation and the community for all you have been doing both for San Francisco, for the world and for our wonderful public spaces in our city. Thank you.
It is a real privilege to be able to serve the community with the Black Rock Arts Foundation’ s work. This is where our roots are, and this is where a lot of our activity happens. Although we are expanding worldwide, the Burning Man organization is world renowned, and a lot of people do not understand or realize that the Black Rock Arts Foundation supports artists all year round, and we have a big presence in San Francisco. Have you all see the rocket ship down at Pier 14? I highly recommend you go check it out. It is this beautiful retro futuristic looking rocket ship from the 1920′ s or 1930’s, and Flash Gordon comes to mind.
When we were installing it, some elderly gentlemen wearing service caps, they were veterans of foreign wars, giggling like schoolchildren, were climbing up on to the concrete blocks trying to get photos of each other on the fence, so I offered to take some photos of them, and it was really touching.
I was trying to make sure they got them all in there, and they said they did not care about them, but just get the rocket. The action was not behind a fence half an hour later and were still taking photographs and having a good time.
That is the kind of work that the Black Rock Arts Foundation is able to bring to a civic setting. It is work that is cutting edge and fun and play ball, and it is not just a guy on a horse with a sword — fun and playful. I want to thank you for your support as well as the grants for the art — the department of art environment, who we have a program with.
I would like to thank our board members who were introduced, and especially the artist, one of which is representative. If it were not for them, we would not be doing what we’ re doing.
If you have a neighborhood with a park that could use some art, you have a community that wants some art, you know an artist that could use some funding, let us know, and we can help. Thank you.