Attention artists! In an effort to streamline our grant application process, the Black Rock Arts Foundation has initiated a new step to our application instructions. To apply for a grant from BRAF, you will now need to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) before submitting a full proposal. If the grant committee feels your project is a potential fit for our grants, you will be invited to submit a full proposal.
This cuts down on the work involved for both you, the grant applicant, and for our grant review committee. You’ll have the chance to give a succinct, one-page overview of your project, and to tell us why you think it’s a good fit for BRAF’s grants program.
Usually, at this time of year, we begin accepting online grant applications. Instead, we’ll accept online LOI’s at this time. Online LOI’s are due December 1, 2011.
To see if your project qualifies for a BRAF grant, and to read our full grant timeline and application instructions, visit BRAF Grant Criteria .
Please contact Josie at BRAF with questions: josie @blackrockarts.org