We had a great time at Maker Faire! The BRAF staff and Board spent the weekend with the crew and artists of Aurora, BRAF’s latest Civic Arts project.
Aurora was exhibited at the faire and visitors were invited to create additional leaves.
Aurora is scheduled to be installed in front of Palo Alto’s City Hall in the fall of 2013. BRAF and the artists raised fund for the refurbishment and improvements of the piece, making it ready for its proposed year-long public exhibition.
Just a stone’s throw away from Aurora was the Youth Education Spaceship (Y.E.S.) This project, a collaboration with our partner organizations Burning Man Project, the Exploratorium, and The Crucible, made its debut at Maker Faire. Next stops: The Exploratorium, and then Burning Man! Blast off!
Artist Dana Albany and her youth artist participants have been hard at work creating the Y.E.S. It was great to see it how it has come together! The mosaic work is beautiful.
Our good friends Bishop Joey and Flash took turns acting as barker for the spaceship, getting a lot of laughs from parents and kids alike. Over 3400 kids toured the spaceship and participated in project’s associated robot workshops and other activities.
There were plenty of previously BRAF-funded artists and projects at Maker Faire, including 2005 Grantee Swap-o-rama-rama, 2007 Grantees the Flaming Lotus Girls, Civic Arts artists Five Ton Crane (with their amazing art vehicle, the Nautilus), and 2013 Grantee project The Metamorphosis Project.

2013 Grantee Alex-Andre Thevenot White and Christina Ross (The Metamorphosis Project) and BRAF’s Program Development Associate Josie Schimke at Maker Faire 2013.