Black Rock Arts Foundation Newsletter – December 2014

In this issue:

  • The Artumnal Gathering: Thank you!
  • Artist Updates
    • Flaming Lotus Girls Gallery Show and Art Party
    • River of Wings

The Artumnal Gathering

We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who made this year’s Artumnal Gathering the most splendid and elegant Artumnal to date! The evening was full of dear friends, impressive performances, irresistibly danceable live music, and surprising delights for the eyes and ears at every turn.

Thank you to the 200+ volunteers, artists, performers, and crew who contributed their talents and energy to the event, and thank you to all who attended. The Artumnal Gathering is truly a communal effort and celebration of our artists and culture. We can’t wait for next year!

If you attended and have any questions about auction items, lost and found, or anything else, please feel free to reach out to us at Click to email artumnal .

Photos of the event.
Thank you to our talented photographers who captured the event on camera!

The Artumnal Gathering, 2014. Photos courtesy of Marco Sanchez (

The Artumnal Gathering, 2014. Photos courtesy of Marco Sanchez (


Artist Updates

Flaming Lotus Girls (Soma & 2007 Grantees)

Flaming Lotus Girls is teaming up with Opulent Temple and Ambient Mafia to bring you IN THE RED, a gallery party and silent Auction at SOMArts in San Francisco.

in the red

IN THE RED features a gallery show of over 70 limited edition archival prints on metal, standard framed prints, and stocking-stuffer schwag galore.  And, special for this year, two custom FLG-built sculptures for auction.

In the Red – FLG Gallery Show & Art Party
Friday, December 12, 2014
6:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m. 

934 Brannan Street, SF
$20. Buy tickets.

DJs include:

  • Opulent Temple: Syd Gris, Vinkalmann, Billy Seal, Dulce Vita, MetaTek – JB Vries
  • Ambient Mafia: Speakeasy Ray, Redstickman, Shane

2014 was an incredible year for the Flaming Lotus Girls! With your support and contributions, BRAF and FLG were able to fund the installation of Soma on Pier 14 in San Francisco. This public display was a dream come true for the artists! In addition, they continued to show fire art at events throughout California and Nevada.

Help FLG keep their momentum going and support this fundraising event!


Soma on Pier 14 in San Francisco. Photo by Jason Chinn.

Soma on Pier 14 in San Francisco. Photo by Jason Chinn.


2014 Grantee – River of Wings

The 2014 Grantee project, River of Wings, will be featured in the 110th Anniversary Celebration of the Silver Lake Reservoir this Saturday. This free, family and community event will include a walk around the Ivanhoe Reservoir, a Dedication ceremony, kid’s activities and fun family events, and two other new public art projects.

110th Anniversary Celebration of the Silver Lake Reservoir
Saturday, December 13, 2014
9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Walk begins at 9:30 a.m.
Walk leaves from Reservoir Complex gates at Armstrong Ave and Tesla Ave.
River of Wings is located at West Silver Lake Ave and Tesla Ave
Activities are located at Mallard Grove and Tesla Ave
Los Angeles, Ca, 90039

2014 Grantee, River of Wings`

2014 Grantee, River of Wings


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