Here will be introductory text of the project. The name of The Artwork should be capitalized and italicized, using <em> and not <i>.
Sometimes we’ll include a quote. If the quote is longer than a few lines, use the Block Quote button on the toolbar. Or, if your’e in the HTML view, surround the quotation with <blockquote /> At the end of the quote, site the author like this <cite>Author Name</cite>
Unfortunately, you have to add the <cite> tag in the HTML view. There’s no quick button for it in the WordPress toolbar.
If there are urls listed in the page, try to make them as minimal as possible, with either, or, even better, just
For links goes to an external site, In the link properties dialog box, always click ‘open link in new window.’
For links to other pages or posts in or site, you do not need to check the ‘open link in new window’ box.
If the page you’re importing does not have it’s information listed in this order, don’t worry about it. If it has obvious headers that agree with the following formatting guidelines, great! If not, just skip it.
Fundraising ask – H2
Here will be an ask for funding, and probably a button that says donate now
(Image forthcoming of donate now button. For now, please type [donatenow] where the button would be.)
Exhibition – H2
Text with the details about the project’s location and dates exhibited will go here.
Typically, we’d put our first picture here. Most photos have not be copied from our old site, so go look at the old site, copy any photos to your computer, and upload them here by clicking ‘Upload/Insert’ at the upper left of your toolbar.
Choose the ‘Large’ size for photos. If the image is too small, WordPress won’t let you choose large. Just use the largest option available (with Large as the largest. Don’t choose ‘Original Size’ as it’s usually way huge.)
When you upload the photo, fill out the properties like this:
About the Project – H2
Here’s where we write some flowery stuff about the concept of the project.
About the Artist – H2
Here’s where we’d put the artist’s bio. Just in this section, use <strong> (not <bold>) for the Artist’s Name. Like this.
Artist Name is a great artist who’s done lotsa work and is generally an all around awesome guy.
This might also be a great time for a second photo. Yay.
Press – H2
Here will be a link to a Post of the project’s press release. Our html pages of press releases from our old site are not imported yet into WordPress, so for now type in ProjectPressRelease (just like that with no spaces.) We’ll do a search for this later and add links.
Support – H2
Ideally, there will be some thank you text here thanking any project supporters or donors. If there is a list, create al list of donors like this:
- Donor name
- Grantor name
- Famous rich person who loves us name
- Nice business who bought pizza for the crew name