Since 2002, BRAF has awarded grants to artists and collectives across the country and around the world.
BRAF Grantees represent diversity, both in their chosen media and strategies of bringing art into their communities. Each project responds to a community’s culture, needs and environment in an innovative and unique way. The concepts and implementation of the projects contrast greatly, employing both high and low-tech media, inviting both expressive freedom and refinement of craft, arising from both established partnerships and grassroots efforts, reaching both small-town and metropolitan communities.

BRAF Grantee Burning Baskets
Our grantee projects serve communities not only by sharing groundbreaking, outstanding artwork, but also by soliciting the community’s input and collaboration. By inviting community participation at all stages of the artworks’ creation and display, these projects engender stewardship of and personal relationships with works of art.
Our grantees share a common goal: to include their community in the creation of a project that exists for and belongs to the public – a project that provokes immediate actions that connect individuals with each other and with their community at large.
We’d like to extend our thanks to you, our supporters, for donating to BRAF and making our Grants to Artists program possible. Individual contributions are the primary source of funding for our grants. You make these projects happen! Make a donation to BRAF today, and help us award more funds to more great projects like these!